XL+ ACCOUNT – Special Terms and Conditions

  • You agree that by participating in this Promotion ("Promotion"), you will be bound by these terms and conditions ("Terms") together with Customer Agreement and Investment Services General Conditions, as well as to all other Business terms and conditions that apply to your trading accounts.
  • This Promotion shall start on 1st 2020 mai
  • This Promotion is valid for FXCC new and existing Clients care:
    • had read and accepted these terms and conditions
    • elect to opt-in to take part in the Promotion by expressly confirming their decision by submitting a request by email at accounts@fxcc.net
    • open and activate an XL+ account by making the minimum deposit by bank wire.
    • are not participating in any other promotion with FXCC.
  • The minimum deposit by a new Client under this promotion: $3,000 into Client’s XL+ account
  • The minimum deposit by an existing Client under this promotion to upgrade to XL+:
    • $1,000 (if existing Client’s funds are above $2,000); or
    • $2,000 (if existing client’s funds are between $1,000 - $2,000); or
    • $3,000 (if existing client’s funds are less than $1,000)
    • Withdrawal of available balance and re-sending it again will not be considered new funds.
  • All deposits to XL+ shall be in USD currency and made by bank wire.
  • Maximum Leverage of XL+ account is 1:200
  • Participants of this promotion can have only one XL+ account.
  • The interest rate is calculated based on the average of the daily equity of Client’s XL+ account for the calendar month. It should be clearly noted that interest rate are calculated and paid for only the equity in Client’s XL+ trading account available in the MT4 trading platform, any money available in the Client’s wallet(s) or other trading account(s) are not entitled for any interest payout.
  • Each day at approximately 23:59 MT4 Time, a snapshot is taken of the equity of Client’s XL+ account. This is added up and divided by the number of days in the calendar month
  • Every Client participating in this promotion is entitled for a Free Device (Phone or Tablet) as a gift from FXCC to help Client to stay connected provided that the Client meets the eligibility requirements as set out through the promotion terms and conditions.
  • Interest Rate varies based on the average daily equity in Client’s XL+ account and the accumulated traded volume for the preceding calendar month as below:
  • Average daily equity

    $ 3,000 - $ 10,000

    $ 10,000 - $ 20,000

    $ 20,000 - $ 50,000

    $ 50,000 +

    Minimum trades per month

    25 loturi

    50 loturi

    100 loturi

    200 loturi

    Interest per annum





    Get Connected – A Free device gift


    Telefon *

    Telefon *

    Telefon *

    Device eligibility

    *in order to be fully eligible for the device, a Client has to trade regularly and meet the required minimum monthly trades for six months

  • Interest rate payout will be calculated within 5 working days of the new calendar month for the preceding month and will be credited directly into Client’s XL+ account as new balance operation.
  • Any indication of manipulation, abuse or other forms of deceitful or fraudulent activity in any Client’s XL+ account, or otherwise related or connected to an XL+ Account will disqualify the Client from all benefits offered under this Promotion.
  • FXCC reserves the right to change any XL+ Account to “Standard Account” at its sole discretion, without the need to provide any justification or explaining the reasons for such changes.
  • Orice dispută, interpretare greșită a Termenilor și condițiilor aplicabile de mai sus sau a situației apar și nu intră sub incidența Termenilor și condițiilor acestei promoții, astfel de dispute sau interpretări greșite vor fi rezolvate de către FXCC în modul pe care îl consideră cel mai corect pentru toți cei vizați. Această decizie este definitivă și / sau obligatorie pentru toți participanții. Nu se va intra în corespondență.
  • FXCC reserved the right to refuse annual interest payout at its discretion without reasoning.
  • FXCC își rezervă dreptul de a modifica, modifica, extinde, suspenda, anula sau suspenda Promoția sau orice aspect al Promoției, în orice moment și fără nici o notificare prealabilă, la propria sa discreție. FXCC nu va fi în nici un caz răspunzător pentru niciunul dintre consecințele modificării, modificării, suspendării, anulării sau încetării promoției.
  • This promotion is organized and run by Central Clearing Ltd, Level 1 Icount House, Kumul Highway, Port Vila, Vanuatu and available for Clients residing in non-European Jurisdictions.

    The monthly interest rate amount is calculated in accordance with the following formula:

    %, month = (average daily equity)* days * Interest rate/100/360, where

    Average equity: the average daily equity of client’s XL+ account for the preceding month;

    Interest rate – interest rate as specified in paragraph 11;

    360 – Number of days in a calendar year.

    days – Number of days in a calendar month.

    i.e. Each calendar month is taken into account with 30 interest days, and each year with 360 interest days.

  • Get Connected - Free Device Eligibility:

  • Client who Creates and activates an XL+ account is eligible to one free device (or the equivalent device price) as below:

    • Apple iPhone 11 or Samsung Galaxy S10+ (or equivalent amount $1,000)
      • XL+ Account with minimum deposit $10,000;
      • Choose the preferred brand by sending an email to accounts@fxcc.net
      • We’ll ship your desired mobile to your address;
      • Trade regularly for six months and meet the monthly minimum trades as set in paragraph 11
    • Apple iPad Air / Samsung Tablet S5 (or equivalent amount $500)
      • XL+ Account with minimum deposit $3,000;
      • Choose the preferred brand by sending an email to accounts@fxcc.net
      • We’ll ship your desired watch to your address;
      • Trade regularly for six months and meet the monthly minimum trades as set in paragraph 11
  • The device will be dispatched to your address within 5 days of your XL+ account activation and claiming the device.
  • The device will be delivered to the address you indicated during your account registration with FXCC
  • As soon as the device is delivered, you are responsible for tax payment and other compulsory payments set by your Government authorities.
  • Only XL+ accounts that fulfil the deposit and minimum monthly trades criteria will be fully eligible for the prize.
  • The Client can get only one device (or its equivalent price) during the promotion.
  • The Client is eligible to withdraw any profit made without any restrictions, however withdrawal of the initial amount deposited for activating the XL+ account (internal transfer from XL+ to wallet) will make the device eligibility is being cancelled as per the next paragraph.
  • If a Client is unable to adhere to the terms and conditions of the promotion (such as withdrawal of the initial deposit amount (i.e. making an internal transfer of the initial deposit amount from XL+ back to wallet) before meeting the trade requirements, or not meeting the monthly trading requirements or any other reason), FXCC shall, at its sole discretion, deduct the equivalent price of the device from Client’s available funds.
  • FXCC reserves the right at its sole discretion, to:
    • Decline Client’s participant in the promotion without the need to provide any justification or explaining the reasons for such a decline.
    • Disqualify any client that breaches the promotion Terms and/or any of FXCC terms and conditions.
    • Deposit the device equivalent price into the Client’s XL+ account instead of shipping the actual device to the Client’s address.
  • Any indication or suspicion, in FXCC’s reasonable discretion, of any form of abuse, fraud, or manipulation, will disqualify the client and become illegible for the device (refer to paragraph 26. Above).
  • FXCC reserves the right, as it in its sole discretion deems fit, to alter, amend, suspend, cancel or terminate the promotion, or any aspect of the promotion, at any time. FXCC is not obliged to warn you about changes in the promotion. The Client is obliged to comply with all the rules and conditions of the promotion, as well as monitor any changes.
  • Orice dispută, interpretare greșită a Termenilor și condițiilor aplicabile mai sus sau a situației apar și nu este acoperită de acești Termeni și condiții de ofertă, astfel de dispute sau interpretări greșite vor fi rezolvate de către FXCC în modul pe care îl consideră cel mai corect pentru toți cei vizați. Această decizie este definitivă și / sau obligatorie pentru toți participanții. Nu se va intra în corespondență.
  • Participation in the promotion means the fact of acquaintance and agreement with its terms and conditions.
  • This device under this promotion will be offered by Central Clearing Ltd, Level 1 Icount House, Kumul Highway, Port Vila, Vanuatu and available for Clients residing in non-European Jurisdictions.

Marca FXCC este o marcă internațională care este înregistrată și reglementată în diferite jurisdicții și se angajează să vă ofere cea mai bună experiență de tranzacționare posibilă.

Acest site web (www.fxcc.com) este deținut și operat de Central Clearing Ltd, o companie internațională înregistrată în conformitate cu Actul Internațional al Societății [CAP 222] din Republica Vanuatu cu Număr de înregistrare 14576. Adresa înregistrată a companiei: Casa Icount Nivel 1 , Autostrada Kumul, PortVila, Vanuatu.

Central Clearing Ltd (www.fxcc.com) o companie înregistrată în mod corespunzător în Nevis sub compania nr. C 55272. Adresă înregistrată: Suite 7, Henville Building, Main Street, Charlestown, Nevis.

FX Central Clearing Ltd (www.fxcc.com/eu) o companie înregistrată în mod corespunzător în Cipru cu numărul de înregistrare HE258741 și reglementată de CySEC sub numărul de licență 121/10.

RISC AVERTISMENT: Tranzacționarea în Forex și Contractele de Diferență (CFD), care sunt produse cu efect de levier, este extrem de speculativă și implică un risc substanțial de pierdere. Este posibil să pierdeți tot capitalul inițial investit. Prin urmare, Forex și CFD pot să nu fie potrivite pentru toți investitorii. Investiți doar cu bani pe care îi puteți permite să le pierdeți. Deci, vă rugăm să vă asigurați că înțelegeți pe deplin riscurile implicate. Căutați sfaturi independente, dacă este necesar.

Informațiile de pe acest site nu sunt destinate rezidenților țărilor SEE sau Statelor Unite și nu sunt destinate distribuirii sau utilizării de către orice persoană din orice țară sau jurisdicție în care o astfel de distribuție sau utilizare ar fi contrară legii sau reglementărilor locale. .

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